The Five-Element Solution: Discover the Spiritual Side of Chinese Medicine to Release Stress, Clear Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life
Use the powerful spiritual principles of Chinese Medicine to discover your personality type and bring balance to all areas of your life with this practical, solution-oriented book from expert Jean Haner.
The ancient Chinese discovered a secret that remains little-known in the West to this day: the map of how your life is meant to work. And just like an acupuncturist treats energy points in the body to heal you physically, this book will show you how to make tiny changes in your everyday activities to heal your life when it’s not working for you. Read more…
Clear Home Clear Heart: Learn to Clear the Energy of People and Places
Have you ever entered a room and it just didn’t feel right, yet you couldn’t explain why? Do you sense a natural comfort with some people but are immediately stressed by others?
The truth is that we’re all influenced far more than we realize by the invisible energy of the people and places around us. This, along with difficult experiences in your past that still weigh you down, can keep you from being a creative force in your life. Read more…
Your Hidden Symmetry: How Your Birth Date Reveals the Plan for Your Life
On the day you were born, you were imprinted with a plan and a purpose – Your birth date has elegant patterns that reveal who you really are and what your true calling is.
And at the same time, the map for your entire journey was formed – each year of your life with a meaning and message that can help you ride the waves instead of fight the current. Read more…
The Wisdom of Your Child’s Face: Discover Your Child’s True Nature with Chinese Face Reading
People joke that your child doesn’t come with a user’s manual, but they’re wrong. It’s written in their face and all you have to do is learn to read it.
The secrets of your child’s inner nature and personal potential are eloquently inscribed in the curve of their cheeks, the shape of their eyes, the contour of their brows, the unique language of their original design. Read more….
The Wisdom of Your Face: Change Your Life With Chinese Face Reading
You were born with an inner blueprint that is yours and yours alone, and this inner design can be read in the features of your face.
Discover the messages your face shares that can help you become your true self, and find your special purpose in the world, and learn how to gain clarity and compassion for everyone in your life! Read more….