Were You Born in 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984 or 1993?

Were You Born in 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984 or 1993?

Most of my posts on this blog are about Chinese face reading.

But there are also patterns in your birth date that reveal your personality. It’s what my book Your Hidden Symmetry is all about.

In reading your birth date, we get messages from the year you were born – plus messages from the month you were born – plus messages from the day you were born.

All this together gives you a deeply-layered understanding of your true nature, who you are in your heart of hearts.

Of course it’s not possible to go into that level of detail here, but I can still offer you some insights that may be meaningful for you!

So today, let’s look at some things we can read from JUST some birth years.

(And I’ll keep posting new readings for people born in different years. So eventually everyone will be covered!)

Were you born in 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984 or 1993?

For most (not all) people born in these years, there is a strong pattern running through their personality. Here’s what it can look like:


If this is you, it means is that you’re very aware and detail-oriented – You’ll notice details other people miss.

For instance, you’re probably the person who catches the typo in the email or notices a picture is hanging crooked on the wall!


You’re also very good at “reading” other people, and because of this, you know how to create rapport with them – You’re an excellent communicator.

You have a natural charm and will always try to be very gracious with other people no matter what the circumstances.


You may also have a real sense of beauty – People like this often are talented in fashion, or graphic design or interior design.

Another way this shows up is in finance – kind of like creating beauty with numbers! If they’re not involved in artistic work, people born in these years frequently work as accountants, for instance.

Or they excel at creating beautiful experiences for other people – Sometimes that means a career as an event planner or concierge or cruise director.


But no matter what you do, you care very much about the quality of your work.

You will analyze every detail in the attempt to make things as perfect as possible.

In anyone else’s view, everything you do is beautifully done. But you may never feel like it’s good enough!


But every human characteristic comes as a package deal!

In other words, it’ll give you many talents and strengths. But on the other hand, there’s always a downside as well.

In this case, there’s a strong streak of perfectionism in your nature which can make you too self-critical.

Even if everyone else is telling you what a good job you did, it can be hard for you to accept that.

For you, criticism soaks in easily but praise bounces off!

It’s wonderful that you’re so conscientious, but you can take it too far. You tend to take your responsibilities too seriously.

And you can struggle with issues of self-worth.

You may always worry about having done something well enough; or not feel deserving, good enough as a person.

This may make you work too hard or for long hours, trying to get everything right, or you can be overly anxious about every little thing.


And you can also have a tendency to be a pleaser. In other words, you want to make people happy, which is a delightful quality!

But you can overdo it and end up depriving yourself of what you need in order to make sure everyone else is having a lovely time!

I call this the “Perfect Hostess Syndrome.”

What happens if the Perfect Hostess is throwing a dinner party and invites 10 people, but 13 people show up?

Well, she simply dashes into the kitchen and rearranges the food onto 13 plates.

But she sits down to an empty place setting herself, declaring, “Oh, I had a late lunch. I’m just going to sip my wine and enjoy your company.”

But in fact, she’s famished.

This tendency can affect your behavior in everyday life. For example, if someone says, “Where should we go for lunch?” you may say, “I don’t mind – Where would you like to go?”

Or you may suggest a restaurant you think your friend would like or can afford, rather than the one you’d prefer.

If you recognize yourself here, remind yourself it’s not always necessary to accommodate everyone else!

And btw, there are ways to please others AND yourself at the same time. This is part of what I teach how to do in my workshops.


Your conscientious, highly-responsible nature is a good thing, but it may lead you to deprive yourself too often in life overall.

You can deprive yourself of rest or time off for fun because you stay late at work, triple-checking everything.

You may decide not to take a risk because you’re scared you’ll fail or are afraid to make a mistake, and the result is that you keep your life too small.

It may also make you overly-anxious about money, always worried about having enough.

So you can choose to pinch pennies too frequently, even if anyone else looking at your finances would tell you that you don’t have to go that far.


Interestingly, you can modify your tendency toward deprivation by making sure you have enough beauty in your life.

That can mean making a beautiful home for yourself, or eating on your fine china with flowers on the table, or allowing yourself to stop and stand in awe at a beautiful sunset.

Anything that makes you catch your breath and appreciate how precious and beautiful the world can be will help balance out the natural inclination toward deprivation


It’s actually not uncommon for people born in the years listed above to be the person who, at some point in their life, has to take care of an elderly or disabled family member or friend.

This is not unusual of course, for someone to need to do this.

But how you may handle it CAN be unusual.

What too often happens in cases like this is that you can let this responsibility weigh too heavily on your shoulders.

You can give up too much; deprive yourself too greatly in order to provide the best care possible.

Sometimes that could mean you leave your home to move in with that person, to be on call 24/7, doing it all by yourself with little or no help.

Or you may drain your savings to support them.

Or deprive yourself of the things you enjoy in life because you get so caught up in the work involved in their care.

And this can go on for years, till you’re depleted in many ways.


Chinese medicine provides a specific “cure” for this situation, that can prevent you from going too far down the road of depriving yourself.

The cure is to delegate.

In other words, resist your natural tendency to think it’s all up to you to figure out.

Or watch out for being afraid of imposing on others.

OR to think that you’re the only one who can do it right!

The cure is to look at what you can hand over, whether that’s to bring other family members in to help with things, or ask friends, or hire someone.

The cure is to make sure you still have a life, that you still give yourself times of pleasure and joy, even in the midst of caring for someone who’s ill or disabled.

For most people born with these personality patterns, it will not feel natural to do this!

So it can help to think of it like medicine in this situation, to keep you from making choices that can eventually create a significant imbalance in your energy.

If you were born in the years I listed, or know someone who was, can you recognize the qualities I’ve described above?

There’s SO much more I could tell you than just what I’ve offered above.

Acupuncture for the Soul

This work is based on Chinese medicine, but it’s not to do with treating your physical health.

Instead it’s about applying the principles of Chinese medicine on a soul level – to heal not just your body, but your life.

We can use this ancient wisdom to read the patterns of your personality and your life journey.

We can also use it to see how you may be navigating off course in life, creating imbalances for yourself.

And we can then see how to bring balance back, so that you can find the love, and career, and happy life you deserve!

This is why I love teaching the “Discover Your Inner Design” workshop – to show you how to read your own patterns and those for everyone in your life.

It’s like there’s a secret map that’s been waiting for you to discover it – a map of who you came here to be, and what you came here to learn.

My life changed forever when I discovered my map and it’s and it’s my greatest joy when I can help other people discover theirs.

There’s so much more I could show you….Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope you’ll continue!

22 thoughts on “Were You Born in 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984 or 1993?”

  1. This hits the nail right on the head – I am doing my best to make strides to release a lot of the perfectionistic and over-people pleasing tendencies I have – thanks for the information.

  2. Ha, thanks Anita, yes, it’s not possible to cover everyone in ONE blog post! 😀 As I said, I’ll be writing about other birth years in future posts. Thanks for joining me here.

  3. February 14th 1957 at 12.45 pm

    I like your comments. I think you are right. However, I am in the worst part of my life since too many years ago. When will this end? Thanks!

  4. I’m March 14, 1966. Yes this is very accurate; I’m a funeral director so I’ve found a way to channel all of the things you mentioned into one profession. However, this also becomes a lifestyle choice because we’re on call 24/7. Finding a balance can be tricky but the need to serve and make a difference usually outweighs everything. Thanks for the excellent insight 🙂

  5. I was born October 11 1975 and it feels like youve written this just for me. Wow its unbelievable thats its just based on the year i was born. Your so amazing! Thank you. Hopefully one day i can here more.
    Thank you again.

  6. This is tremendous ~ you captured my essence better than I ever anticipated or understood. Now I’m hungry for more !!

  7. Yikes! I just realized, this includes my mother too. She was born in 1948 & I was born in 1966.

  8. Thank you Jean! So much who I am. The “deprivation” area is 100% me, and I am thankful that you have included how I can help myself to balance in the “appreciation and caregiver (also 100% me)” area!

  9. Born Jan, 23. 1966. Wow very acurute, I feel that I need more insight heading into my 50!!! I really could use a reading some day soon

  10. Jennifer Ndlovu

    Hi All Born 1966/09/25

    Let me tell you this is very much me.

    I have been taking care of my family since the age of 14 I am 48 now.. it becomes so natural..

    sometimes I feel so guilty when I neglect my girl whom is 11 years of age now I have been in the financials all my life and yes I will deprive my family to assist others. I will default my debt to assist where I can I don’t appreciate people suffering but I don’t mind me suffering…

    I will give my last so you may feel better.

    so yes this is true

    Thanks Dear

    I appreicate

    1. Thank you, Jennifer – I hope you can find a way to walk the middle ground so you don’t deprive your beautiful self and your wonderful daughter. <3

  11. Thank you dear Jean for your discription. Accurate for me. I am born March, 12. 48 and I have very low vission but I am so fasinated that I have ordered your book from Amazon and it will be read to me. So as you see I need to care for myself and still learning to deligate, ask others for help, so not to stress. I am making a huge life change in truly learning to love my self just as I am.
    So thank you also for your inspiring talk on the Hay House World summit, love and light Ines

    1. Ines, I’m so happy you recognize yourself here and I’m honored that you’re getting my book. May it continue to help you from here, and big acknowledgement to you for your courageous journey.

  12. Sounds exactly like me…September of 1966…I was an interior designer for 20 some years and owned my own studio for 16. Completely detail oriented and a perfectionist! I did learn recently to set boundaries and not let my clients or my family take over every inch of my life…so, I’m doing better! I’m thinking about the taking care of people part – my parents are getting older…it’s getting a bit scary! Maybe we need to talk or I need to attend one of your workshops! xo

  13. Born Jan 23. 1966- @5:05 am This is pretty bang on fo me as well. Thank you ox Jean do u have any insights for me? Thank u in advance Shelley.

  14. My bday is 1 April 66. I am a graphic designer & I feel my work is never good enough. If I had a 3rd leg I could actually kick my own butt! It is true I love aesthetics & I wish I had more faith in my skills. My biggest dream would be to renovate a home. (-:

    1. To help ease that critical inner voice, you can remind yourself that it’s your nature to create beauty in everything you do. And I’d love to see that home after YOU renovate it! 🙂

  15. Hello dear Jean. Of course this is all eeriely accurate especially doing for others at our own expense. But love the reminder to bring beauty into our lives! That totally works for me. So sorry to hear Louise Hay had passed. I am sure you had many good memories as certainly I did. Sending blessings your way.

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